
Self-portraiture has always been something I’ve shied away from sharing as it can come across self-absorbed and narcissistic. In the world we now live in where thousands of selfies are shared daily, it’s easy to forget about the true art behinf self-portraiture.

I find it to be incredibly different compared to photographing others. Not just for the obvious reason that I’m now both in front and behind the camera, but for the intimacy of it. There’s something special about the process of sitting with yourself, playing around with what is and isn’t working, and the process of gradually appreciating yourself the more the shoot progresses.

Here are some self-portraits I’ve taken over the years that have felt like a true representation of the many sides of Alex Mac (as well as a lot of hair changes!).

“I do not care about my own appearance, but I would hope that people could see into my soul, and that is presented better in these photographs than in others.”

– August Strindberg

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